Monthly Archive:: January 2004

Update! CoolTown in Georgia?: “Intelligent City of the Year 2000″ by the World Teleport Association. The
Now that’s fast pizza: In Bologna, Italy I came across what appeared to be the busiest
Popular dining out: One of the most popular restaurants in Venice is the Brek Ristorante.
The ‘postcard test: Surely this scene passes what the former mayor of Milwaukee, John Norquist
The art of placemaking: So what is placemaking? Here is ‘place’ defined: Any portion of space
Investing in artful neighborhoods: The CoolTown movement is more than just providing funky affordable housing for
A must-have artistic partner: It’s the familiar story: Artists, creatives and bohemians move into an undesirable
A 1-bedroom here for $425/mo.? In the Washington DC area?: If you’re an artist! One-bedroom units in this 12-unit building in the
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Letting artists revitalize your downtown: I’ll be posting more photos of Italy’s inspirational place-making, but this week
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A city as a living painting: I can’t think of any other city where the notion of “living
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Thriving local merchants: It’s around 8 pm and the temperature’s around 40 degrees F, yet
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Creative nightlife in Venice: I can see why hundreds of neighboring residents stream into historic Venice
The neighborhood piazza – the campo: Italians in the second millennium were all about socializing. Not only does
Cool since a thousand years ago: It’s good to be back from my place-making tour of Italy’s finest