Monthly Archive:: November 2003

Cool towns + ‘hollywood model’ = CoolTown Studios: CoolTown Studios and the content on this daily blog represent the growing
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Learning from Hollywood’s movie studios: In a matter of a year or two, a handful of visionaries
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So what is a ‘cooltown’, really?: Here’s one dictionary definition: Cool – (informal) very good. Now, in no

Higher density = More jobs per capita?: Sprawl may cost city jobs, reports indicate The Atlanta Journal-Constitution By Julie

In the news: Young minds flock to Denver: Great young minds think alike: Educated 20-, 30-somethings flock to city (Denver

What do women really want in their neighborhoods?: Article in San Francisco Chronicle By Richard Paoli, November 16, 2003 The
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In the news: Carless lifestyles are ‘in: The Washington Post is having quite the CoolTown run lately… Out of
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In the news: The Wal-Mart you DON’T know: Fast Company Magazine: The giant retailer’s low prices often come with a
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In the news: Washington DC – Growth in spite of itself: Urban Warfare: DC’s Unfulfilled Potential: Leadership, Tax Issues Hamper Growth (Washington Post
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In the news: Diverse leadership = jobs?: Mid-sized cities get hip to attract young professionals (USA Today cover story)
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In the news: Seattle vs. Cleveland: And the winner is…: Seattle. Yawn. Brain-Gain Cities Attract Educated Young (Washington Post cover story) By
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In the news: Francis Ford Coppola’s CoolTown: Perhaps we’ll be able to see a next generation CoolTown in less
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Investing in ‘Entrepreneur Villages: The Conflict: Visionary municipalities have an overriding interest in improving their quality

Gazelles + Economic Gardening = Prosperity: Gazelles: There are two kinds of entrepreneurs – the ones that do
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Some rather hip mayors…: The image to the left is the Wynkoop brewpub in Lower Downtown
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Why are entrepreneurs important to cities?: Entrepreneurs create jobs. Just about every Fortune 500 company has a story
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Ah, to be an entrepreneur: Entrepreneur: A person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a
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