Investing in comeback cities

While the San Franciscos, Austins and Iowa City’s continue to prosper on their entertainment and quality of life strengths, what are the next generation cities and what are they doing to initiate growth today?
In the Milken Institute’s Knowledge-Value Cities in the Digital Age, authors Joel Kotkin and Ross DeVol identify the following as “comeback cities”:
Philadelphia PA: Philly is finally benefitting from city-sponsored revitalization of its urban neighborhoods to stem the massive brain drain from Temple, the Univ. of Pennsylvania and Drexel.
Brooklyn NY: The Brooklyn Academy of Music is catalyzing a major cultural arts district, while the City promotes a 24-hour atmosphere to attract entrepreneurial creatives.
Pittsburgh PA: Investing more dollars in communications than any other city, this city that has more jobs than residents is focused on transforming 700 acres of manufacturing into neighborhoods.
Tacoma WA: Taking advantage of spillover 30 miles north of Seattle, Tacoma “Click Network” fiber-optic system and industrial area workplace conversion attracted 100 new technology firms.
Baltimore MD: The City invested in successful waterfront and funky workplace renovations have literally sparked neighborhood renaissances
Oakland CA: An under-used industrial district in West Oakland, comprehensive fiber-optic infrastructure, relative Bay Area affordability and proximity to Silicon Valley contribute to potential prosperity to San Francisco’s forgotten neighbor.