Recreation in a CoolTown

The best kind of entertainment, in my opinion, is the kind that keeps you fit: Dancing, rock climbing, roller-blading, sports and again, dancing. Dancing deserves to be mentioned twice.
In the bestseller Tuesday’s With Morrie”, Morrie, who is terminally ill, describes his perfect day (evening) from the point of view of someone who cherishes his last few days: “In the evening, we’d all go together to a restaurant with some great pasta… and then we’d dance the rest of the night. I’d dance with all the wonderful dance partners out there, until I was exhausted.”
Within a few very short blocks from my home, I can drop in on salsa lessons when I feel like it ($10 for 2 hours of lessons!), swing dance for free, or choose from no less than a dozen places to groove to 70′s, 80′s, 90′s, 00′s, hip hop, R&B, techno or whatever the DJ feels like playing. As one of the area’s leading swing dance instructors told me, “You can’t dance angry.”
A CoolTown will always have great places to dance. Ideally, an open air piazza would be one of them. The AIR Outdoor Party in the grand plaza of the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center is a good one.