Monthly Archive:: July 2003

University town of the future?: The university town of tomorrow looks to combine the concepts of open
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A business community of learning: Other than quality of life, providing great jobs upon graduation is a
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The 23rd largest economy in the world is…: Cambridge, Massachusetts. The presence of MIT and Harvard is really only telling
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How can cities retain universities’ talent?: It doesn’t take rocket science to realize that the wealth of cities
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Investing in third places: Progressive investors are hard at work to provide next generation communities where
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Does your local third place have its own CD?: You would if you’re the Third Place Coffeehouse in Raleigh, North Carolina.
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The third place and the communal table: What’s the equivalent of the piazza in Italy when it comes to
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Celebrating the third place: There’s no better way to communicate the concept of the third place
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The third place: The first place is your home. The second place is your workplace.
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Investing in a local economy: Here’s where CoolTown-oriented institutional investors are putting their capital to create sustainable
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CoolTown guilds: I foresee the economies of future CoolTowns run through guilds, loosely defined
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Can a CoolTown help create jobs?: Yes, yes, yes. To create jobs, CoolTowns focus on the intersection of

When everyone else is on their morning commute…: This week’s blog focuses on jobs and worklife, ending with what our
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Sex and the City: It’s not called Sex and the Suburbs for a reason. The popular
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Only in New York City: Where else can you have a #1 show about nothing? Where else
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The CoolTown movie test: A few days ago I was listening to a traveling sports announcer
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Distance learning will help the small to trump the big: Small businesses can’t compete financially with larger corporations, but the can move
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Make your own rules: When you have an abundance of local culture, you start breaking mass-traditions
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Aloha Tower is Hawaii’s CoolTown spot: I remember visiting Honolulu (a few islands over from Hilo) years ago
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A model CoolTown tenant in Hawaii: At a restaurant in Washington DC, an associate from Alabama told me
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How to overcome the Walmart dilemma: In the small town of Hilo, Hawaii, the nightly hot spot (by
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