Monthly Archive:: June 2003

A 56K modem just doesn’t cut it anymore: While writing this column from my home town in Hilo, Hawaii is
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A small town rocks like a CoolTown: Now this is how to rock like the big cities. It doesn’t
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Live from Hawaii… the farmer’s market: I’m on vacation for the next few days in Hilo, Hawaii, my
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A summit of 100 creatives: What’s your community’s manifesto? Memphis knows. The Memphis Manifesto summit took place
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Why Apple fits into CoolTowns: Apple introduced videoconferencing for the masses yesterday which will help connect entrepreneurs
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A meeting of 1200 urbanists: 1200 urbanists met five blocks from my home at the annual Congress

Investing in cool places to eat: So what kind of restaurants will the ultimate CoolTown have? That’s like

Where ‘Friends’ meet for coffee: Where ‘Friends’ meet for coffee Forget Central Perk, the sofa-laden coffee house

Fast food – not in a CoolTown: There are many reasons why fast food doesn’t jive with a CoolTown,

When it’s OK to eat with your hands: As we evolve from a service economy to an experience economy, diners
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Food + fun = Hot pot: How can a town be fun if you don’t have fun places
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Government sponsored beer and live music?: OK, so you still have to pay $3 for the beer, but
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What would a CoolTown government be like?: A CoolTown government would look at enhancing the talent of its own
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Which cities support CoolTowns?: Well, the ultimate CoolTowns are in places like Paris and London because
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Will local governments endorse CoolTowns?: It depends on who voted them into office. Since governments are elected
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If the mayor doesn’t get it, forget it: You need strong, entrepreneurial government leadership to see innovative development implemented. If

Investing in a sense of security in a CoolTown: The most effective sense of security comes in being around people you

Special Report: Update on Office Community: Affinity Lab happy hour: As promised, here’s an update on my workplace’s

What do women want in a safe city?: If you want details, a pair of female authors from Toronto (reportedly

How do you tell a neighborhood is safe?: That’s pretty easy – just observe how many women are strolling the