Monthly Archive:: May 2003

Investing in a healthy town: Here are the health-oriented town features that investors are implementing in the

What are CoolTown-oriented shoes?: What’s a typical week in a health-oriented town?There really is such a

What’s a typical week in a health-oriented town?: How do you know you’re in a healthy town? Just walk around

CoolTown people tend to be fit, healthy: This week The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is sponsoring The Shape We’re

Where is that elusive sense of community?: It’s something many of us secretly ask ourselves, and there’s even a

Investing in A&E CoolTowns: Here’s the experience arts & entertainment vision an investment collaborative will be

The economy of an A&E CoolTown: As usual, business-related decisions come down to money and economics. So how

It’s all about the tenants: A wise man* once told me that the key to building a
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How do you build a great music scene?: In my opinion, this is one of the most important elements in
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How important is arts & entertainment in a CoolTown?: It’s like peanut butter & jelly in a PB&J sandwich – what
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Yes, CoolTown transportation is very affordable: Since the price of shoes today is typically over $100, maybe not
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CoolTowns have lots of free entertainment venues: I always held the opinion that the best forms of entertainment were
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How to create affordable office space in a CoolTown: 1. Preserve old buildings and walkable neighborhoods (less parking costs). Outdated, inflated
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How do ‘starving artists’ live in the most expensive cities?: It is fundamental to understand that cities often prosper because of artists.
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Want a prosperous town fast?: Combine affordability and great design. Prosperity comes from jobs. Jobs come from
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The CoolTown water test: Take one city model, pour water over it, tilt slightly. How much
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Is there a true piazza in the United States?: No. There will be one day, but right now there really isn’t
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