Workplaces Archive

: Like this! It was just a matter of time before Facebook began
Employment districts for a knowledge economy: What does the new workplace neighborhood look like as we shift from
Employees moving to downtowns by the thousands: That’s literally the case when it comes to Detroit. Let me say
The New Urban Workplace: In the industrial economy people worked in factories. In the services/information economy
: Many of Google’s HQ employees in Mountain View, Silicon Valley, California fit
Retrofitting office parks into urban villages: Real estate development is one of the slowest to react as an
A Carnival of Ideas’ office space: Today’s entry is brought to you by social engagement designer Brian Corrigan
Carbon-free green city planned near Shanghai: On an island near Shanghai, China formed by the accumulation of, silt
Crowdsourcing a dayworking scene into a nightlife district: Adams Morgan, the preeminent natural cultural district of Washington DC, has no
The continued rise of the home office: We hear a lot of buzz about the popularity of people working
Does your city enhance work-life balance?: Continuing our happiness theme from the previous entry, here’s one way to
Design your own office space: From an interview with Architect Magazine, I stated how the next generation
Pittsburgh’s Cool Space Awards 2007: If you’re looking for a cool workplace you need a service like
DC mayor proclaims shared workplace with its own day: Can a co-workplace; community and collaboration space for entrepreneurs and independents, be
The ‘Innovate’ workplace: Where do you put your city’s most innovative companies? Well, in Greenville,
Does your workplace have a slide?: Yours would if you worked at Red Bull. Last week, in How
What are cool space companies looking for?: Continuing yesterday’s entry on the Cool Spaces Report, what are the people
If your business is looking for cool space…: You ought to look at the newly published Cool Deals Report: Capturing
Seeeeeriously cool workplaces: Tired of the office park, your home office or the downtown corporate
Region looks to gain jobs with ‘third place work centers: The Grand Rapids, MI area lost 27,000 jobs between 2000 and 2004,
Art gallery by day, home by night: So you want to open an art gallery, but don’t have the
Free wi-fi office space in the heart of London for entrepreneurs: If you’re a member of any one of 29 entrepreneur/business networking organizations,
The office as ‘third place: That’s a little contradictory, because the office is your ‘second place’, your
A creative third place every downtown needs: Followers of this website know that we focus on neighborhoods and districts
…and at $112/mo., it’s not hard out here for a writer: Seems like writers have it good in Manhattan as far as workplaces
Workplace for $133/month in Tribeca, NY?!: Yep, it’s true, but only if you’re a writer and you know
Workplace by day, live music venue by night?: Yesterday I highlighted ‘those lucky Macromedia employees’, but they got nothing on
Being spaces’ – productive, social or both: Is your workplace becoming your characterless home? Is your home becoming your
Goodbye to the corporate cubicle: Since we can’t all be entrepreneurs and artists, many of us need
It’s not how far you commute, but how long it takes: To best understand the nature of commuting, it’s best to first introduce: