Beta Communities Archive

Crowdsourcing a destination in New Orleans: The Broadmoor neighborhood in central New Orleans was hit hard by Hurricane

Triple bottom line for crowdsourced building: The Bearden Arts Building, a crowdsourced development (restored building in front, new

Q&A: How do you initiate a beta community?: It’s the question I’ve lately been getting asked the most, so I

Visual map of the beta community process in action: A picture is worth a thousand words, so maybe a diagram is

Crowdsourcing a NOLA network to a team to a building to a coffeehouse…: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change

Beta community update Q4 2007: Gear Factory, Syracuse, NY Developer Rick Destitio is renovating a historic 1910

Cool towns need a Linus Torvalds/Steve Jobs combo (2 of 2): To recap the previous entry, Linus Torvalds galvanized an army of people

Cool towns need a Linus Torvalds/Steve Jobs combo (1 of 2): I am speaking on a panel today at the Urban Land Institute’s

First beta community meets in New Orleans: A few weeks ago we profiled a group of young urban rebuilding

The first beta community meeting in Syracuse: What kind of space do artists and musicians want in the city

Beta communities seeding in many cities (Part 2): Continuing our look from yesterday at where Beta Communities are being formed…

Beta Communities seeding in many cities: Here’s a rundown on the progress of Beta Communities in cities across

The Beta Community Challenge!: A major reason why developers find strip malls and office parks so

Beta community to own profit-based shares: For all that time you invest in helping choose the next American

Four different beta community types: Veterans of this website know that a beta community is a group

The first VIBE beta community meets in DC: Last night, 14 people – Lisa, Angela, Christian, Mike, Sarah, Joey, Justin,

Louisville’s beta community vision for downtown: What to do when no one seems to be providing a bold

Web 2.0 and why your city needs it to attract the creative class (2 of 2): Continuing the previous entry introducing the two economy-generating factors, Web 2.0 with

Web 2.0 and why your city needs it to attract the creative class (1 of 2): First of all, what is Web 2.0? In a nutshell, Web 1.0

How can a City establish a ‘beta community’ to attract the creative class?: A City can plan itself to death if it doesn’t attract real

Reader question: How to ensure developers are fair to creatives?: “In response to the blank canvas Savings #2 – As an up

How to establish your own beta community: There’s a key neighborhood street block in your downtown that could be

Louisville establishes a beta community!: You know how real estate is… ‘wait until they build what you

Calling on cooltown-oriented developers: Each week I receive inquiries from cities that want to provide incentives

$150 million equity network for CoolTown redevelopment projects: Got a cool project that needs capital? Need a project to invest

Charrette lays out vision for Detroit: The first ever beta community that allowed future tenants to design a

The beta community: We are evolving into a customer-driven economy, where customers are so well-informed

Public-private partnership in action: Downtown Albuquerque, New Mexico. Here’s a great example of how development/investor support

Just do it: The Public-Private Partnership Development Team: As described in yesterday’s blog, a public-private partnership development team made up
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