Downtown Migration Archive

The New Urban Workplace: In the industrial economy people worked in factories. In the services/information economy

How Lafayette, Louisiana is attracting creatives: With a population over 100,000 and a greater population of half a

Minneapolis a model for recycled warehouses: Just as our evolution to the knowledge economy is providing opportunities to

People over cars’ hits Fast Company: Regarding this cultural and economic transition of communities prioritizing a pedestrian infrastructure

Transit-oriented small town renews itself: It’s a familiar scene – you find housing you can afford near

City downtown in Kansas goes creative urban: It starts out as a vastly familiar story. As the industrial economy

Cincy’s new ‘Q’ for contemporary urban living: That’s ‘Q’ is in ‘quarter’, as in the newly renovated Gateway Quarter

WSJ: ‘TODs’ are hot: What do investors think of TODs? (Transit-oriented development) The Wall Street Journal

New urban demographics point to urban housing (1 of 2): What will the housing market be like 10-20 years from now? Robert

America’s Next Hot Neighborhoods: You’ve just seen the study that documents the connection between rising home

Celebrities investing in inner cities in a big way: Henry Cisneros. Magic Johnson. Shaquille O’Neal. Oscar De La Hoya. From a

Not enough downtown to go around in Southern town: What happens when a small city invests in attracting the creative class?

Investing in center city benefits surrounding communities: If the nation’s economy is at stake, should cities and companies invest/locate

Newsweek International’s hottest cities: This week’s (July 3-10) Newsweek International focuses on cities, with no less

The ‘Now South’ seeking creative downtowns: What’s the Now South? According to an article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution,

Syracuse, NY – one of many downtown success stories: While yesterday’s entry presented national evidence of the downtown movement, what about

More evidence that downtowns are gaining popularity: There are still some that question whether urban is in or not.

CNN: College grads chase jobs, culture in the city: If you’re educated, urban areas are ‘in’, and have been for quite

Those lucky Macromedia employees: Where do Macromedia’s 600 employees work? Not in a suburban office park

In the city center where the action is: Now here’s where the The Young and the Restless In A Knowledge

The Young and the Restless In A Knowledge Economy: A new report, The Young and the Restless In A Knowledge Economy

Mixed reviews for ‘loftier’ downtown L.A.: How popular is downtown L.A.? It’s population is expected to double to

Who Lives Downtown?: The Brookings Institution comes through with quantitative evidence that not only proves

Philadelphia’s downtown boom: How dramatic is the excitement of moving to Philly’s downtown? The area

Portland’s ‘weird economy: As one reporter states, Portland, OR has a weird economy. Portland proper’s

Houston the latest downtown on the verge of growth: There were only 2560 people living downtown, but that population jumped 43%

Dispelling a few urban myths…: Is this urban housing migration mentioned on Monday true? Here are some

Intown Living: A Different American Dream: Intown Living: A Different American Dream is one of the latest books

Urban infill trends focus on people: Downtowns continue to grow. Young professionals and small families are rediscovering the
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