Government Policy Innovation Archive

Economic development gets sustainable: Economic development was defined in the industrial age as the increase in

London ups the pedestrian-only movement with ‘Great Spaces’: While New York City’s NYC Plaza Program will be funding the transformation

Times Square goes car free – permanently?: I think we have definitely hit the pedestrian walk tipping point. First

An ideal Creative Products District program?: Louisiana’s Cultural Districts Program has set the bar for government policy innovation

Louisiana’s Cultural Districts Program: Louisiana is one of the few states that has a very clear

French city invests in fashion districts: You hear a lot of talk about city economic development agencies emphasizing

NYC’s stunning ‘streets to plazas’ program: A popular item on many a creatives‘ wishlist is to see a

State of Vermont gets in on creative cities: How serious is the commitment to building more vibrant cities? This whole

Cities making efforts to promote people over cars: Succeeding generations really do want more pedestrian-oriented downtowns, and cities are starting

SF increasingly pro indie, NYC becoming pro chain?: According to the NY Times, the word on the street is that

Small town of Renton smartly evolving from industrial to knowledge economy: The city of Renton, just south of Seattle, has long been synonymous

Prolific downtown – Pasadena is thy name: Look at all those downtown development projects – who needs a study

How did St. Louis’ downtown attract $2.5 billion?: It started with public-private leadership. City officials, business groups, banks and nonprofits

South Miami’s inspiring “100% Models” idea: The CoolTown approach to bringing economic and social vitality to an area

The first and only CoolTown-oriented regional leadership: In January 2003, the Federal Reserve Bank announced a new economic development

Phase II: Michigan State’s Cool Cities Initiative: June 2, 2004: Governor Jennifer Granholm announces Cool City pilot projects Based