Cooltown Top 20 Archive

Study: Millennials lead trend to walkable communities: The actual headlines based on a new U.S. PIRG study, “New Direction: Our

People would crowdsource piazzas if they had the chance…: If given the opportunity to crowdsource a vision for their downtown, what

Bristol’s 2-year crowdsourced placemaking success story: This is a follow up story to “Bristol crowdsources piazza into downtown

Crowd-invested placemaking… the next step: What is crowd-invested placemaking and why is it the next step? This

Big Head’ and ‘Long Tail’ both key to placemaking: As we’re witnessing in communities from the Middle East to Wall Street,

What is triple-bottom-line real estate development?: Many of us know that the triple bottom line means “people, planet

Bristol crowdsources piazza into downtown plan: People often ask, “How does crowdsourced placemaking work in the real world?”

What emerging generations really want: A piazza: As the 1600+ entries in this blog provide evidence for, emerging generations

How the triple-bottom-line will save a town’s economy: What’s happening in Bristol, Connecticut (pop. 61,000), home of ESPN, is pretty

Purpose-driven collaborative crowdsourcing: Crowdsourcing often gets negatively associated with competitive websites that utilize a crowd

Crowdsourced street to become permanent?: If you’re looking for a model example of crowdsourced placemaking, check out

Solution for job creation? ‘Startup coworking’: We all know the economy needs jobs. Not industrial economy jobs, which

Moving the tipping point for investment in human-scaled development: Why is it that the vast majority of new development is at

19 urban development types for creatives: Thanks to Chris Leinberger, author of the The Option of Urbanism: Investing

SF and NY playing a pedestrian-only duet: New York City may be playing the lead tune when it comes

The most innovative gov agency in the U.S.?: If you’re looking for a model of a government agency that’s looking

NYC’s stunning ‘streets to plazas’ program: A popular item on many a creatives‘ wishlist is to see a

How local indies can compete with national chains: A primary reason why an overwhelming majority of new retail district developments

The evolution of economic eras and placemaking: The table is from “Linking the New Economy to the Livable Community”,

How to do a pedestrian street right: For a vibrant, active, economically successful pedestrian street (paseo), it must have