Calling on cooltown-oriented developers
Each week I receive inquiries from cities that want to provide incentives to real estate developers that can attract the job-creating creative class. At the same time, I work with investment funds that are seeking progressive real estate developers to invest in. The question is, are there enough cooltown-oriented real estate development firms to match the opportunities?
Please contact me if you are (see email link in right column.) The development opportunities are there. The capital is there. The market is certainly there. I work with developers now, and I co-founded and ran a trade association of real estate developers for five years (The National Town Builders Association) until I wanted to see less of the kind of developments described in yesterday’s entry – so yes, I can relate.
If you work for a City and would like to see this kind of development and investment in a targeted neighborhood or site, please contact me as well, and I’ll include you in the list of opportunities I present to developers.