Creativity drives the economy

Creative class economic performance chart

Prove it? Some people already have, and it’s much easier to explain this visually via the graph below, where the dots represent the country’s cities. On the x-axis, creativity is measured via creative class workforce (science, engineering, architecture, design, education, arts, music, entertainment), innovations (patents per capita), high-tech industry and diversity. On the y-axis, overall economic performance is measured by job and population growth, high-tech growth and changes in per capita income. In summary, the more creativity you have in your city, the more prosperous you’ll be. Perhaps this applies to you personally as well, so here’s something to get you started.

These findings are pioneered by Kevin Stolarick, Creative Class Group research partner, and Richard Florida, nationally renowned economist and author of the best-selling The Rise of the Creative Class. His associate research firm, Catalytix provided the graph.