Florida’s sequel: Flight of the Creative Class

Flight of the Creative Class by Richard Florida

Richard Florida’s latest book, The New Global Competition for Talent just came out three days ago, the global-focused follow-up to his 2002 business best-seller, And How It’s Transforming Work, Leisure, Community and Everyday Life.

In his first book, Florida expounded on the “three T’s”: talent, technology and tolerance, as the means to creativity ultimately leading to economic performance. The mayor of Denver and Governor of Michigan became staunch supporters and implementors.

His new book expands the scope of where the creative class is migrating to globally. Beyond the most creative U.S. meccas of San Francisco, Austin, and Seattle – the flight of the creative class is landing in Sydney, Shanghai, Amsterdam, Dublin, Bangalore, and Toronto. Read the book to find out why!

  • jake

    The book is complete garbage, and Florida ia a fraud. Ignore.

  • SM2

    “Flight of the Creative Class” is basic common sense economics- the “marketplace of ideas” in a global economy. Florida presents thoughtful, inductive reasoning and delineates the economic ramifications of US domestic and foreign policy.

    This Creative Economy sequel makes a good case for recognizing that re-framing the policy dialogue around people, and their location preferences and choice variables, is imperative for long-term sustainable economic growth. Far from being some elegiac tome for “elitists”, Florida is quite clear that the creative economy serves to increase the equity gap- his research serves as a warning.

    I find the previous reviewer to be lacking in any substantial critical thought- as Florida points out- this results in pure reactionary vitriol. “A fraud”- why the personal attack on an economist? What next- A “Swift Boat Veteranization” attack? This book should be read by thoughtful people who are concerned about the economic and cultural shifts this country is experiencing. Florida makes no claim to have all of the answers- but he’s made the questions/policy dialogue all the more compelling for his efforts.