Market Development Archive

Young adults, community building, lead downtown revitalization: Let’s try something different in this post. Because I can’t find something
Rightsizing, not downsizing, is what the next gen is about: While ‘one size fits all’ may have been the mass production model
Pop-up placemaking and next gen urban neighborhoods: ‘Popups’ are short-term experiences that provide the freedom to experiment with projects
Citysumers’ define powerful new urban trend: Our longtime resource at recognizes the rising trend of urban cultural
CoolTown trends – early fall 2009: Here’s a wrap-up of the latest news and trends that are signaling
What cities are attracting Gen Y?: Via creative economist Richard Florida, Kevin Stolarick at the Martin Prosperity Institute
The Long Tail of cities for creatives: When it comes to understanding the fundamental economic difference the Internet provides
: Now that the American Dream has come full circle and is once
Signs of a second renaissance continue: A year ago we profiled Patricia Martin’s Rengen: The Rise of the
Check out those street lamps!: The street lamps in the photo above (yes, that’s a photo) were
Gen Xers get credit for rise of walkable urbanism: Who is sourcing the growing popularity in walkable urban areas and city
enRoute: ‘The Happy City: When you boil it down to the basic elements, the metrics of
How To Be Creative’ – from Gapingvoid, (3 of 3): The last in this three part series interpreting Gapingvoid’s How To Be
How To Be Creative’ – from Gapingvoid, (2 of 3): Continuing our look at Gapingvoid’s tips on How To Be Creative as
How To Be Creative’ – from ‘Gapingvoid’ (1 of 3): You know creativity = economic growth, so how do you get more
Trending 2008 into cool towns: Where is the market headed for 2008? While those who read this
“If you were to rebuild your city from scratch…”: A sampling of the emerging consciousness for better cities… So what are
Apartment renting takes a page from online dating: So many candidates, so little opportunity to find out which exactly which
A hotel expressive of the people who stay there: As with most buildings, the exterior and interior design of hotels rarely
New Orleans creatives take the initiative to rebuild: Even before Katrina, the city of New Orleans was lacking in creative
The feminine touch a growing trend in city development: A hundred years ago women couldn’t even vote, but their influence is
Best (big) cities for young professionals: Where to go if getting a job is just as important as
What does the triple bottom line have to do with cool places?: First of all, what is the triple bottom line (3BL)? It’s a
How ‘community’ is driving the trend toward ‘local: The more our everyday products and experiences, restaurants and stores, are offered
How ‘status’ is driving the trend toward ‘local: Are you on the ‘in’ or ‘out’ list? Are you with the
Social responsibility a boon to local neighborhoods: How valued is the word local in the modern economy? A lot.
Transparency tyranny’ will result in better places: What is transparency tyranny? From “Old economy fog is clearing: no
WSJ – ‘Animal House Meets the Empty Nest: The Wall Street Journal article, Animal House Meets the Empty Nest, sums
What does it take to be authentic?: Real is in. Fake is out. We profiled the rise of authenticity
New urban demo-graphics point to urban housing (2 of 2): Continuing our look at the Brookings Institution’s Robert Puentes’ report, A Review