Investment Archive

Fundrise pioneers crowd-invested placemaking: Just seven months ago we were outlining the inevitability of crowd-invested placemaking.

Crowd-invested placemaking… the next step: What is crowd-invested placemaking and why is it the next step? This

Locavesting, crowdfunding local businesses on the rise: We’re reaching the tipping point where our investment and tax dollars are

What is triple-bottom-line real estate development?: Many of us know that the triple bottom line means “people, planet

Moving the tipping point for investment in human-scaled development: Why is it that the vast majority of new development is at

19 urban development types for creatives: Thanks to Chris Leinberger, author of the The Option of Urbanism: Investing

Real estate investment of the future = Crowdfunding?: The current financial model for real estate investment is pretty depressing for

Neighbors form their own development firm to do it right: As they say, if you want something done right, do it yourself,

Time for indie tenants to meet real estate investors halfway: While it’s time for real estate investment to catch up to the

Time for real estate investment to catch up to the market: Where are the majority of our country’s real estate development investment dollars?

The Long Tail’ real estate developer/investor (3 of 4): Understanding The Long Tail, the way it’s evolving our economy, and its

The future of real estate is in the Long Tail (1 of 4): “For too long we’ve been suffering the tyranny of lowest-common-denominator fare, subjected

Is the U.S. too rich to invest in human- scaled places?: The Conflict. Take one look at GlobeSt, the portal for real estate

$10,000 reward for helping get cool towns built!: Why is it that one look at the image above tells you

$ Angelic crowdsourcing $: The last two entries covered crowdsourcing 101. Are you ready for crowdsourcing

City taking charge to attract investors…: Most cities wait like hopeful dancers at a school ball. Others get

Where to invest? 13,000 years of history will tell you: There’s no better body of knowledge than history when identifying the right

Seeking the CoolTown adventure capitalist: One reason why more of us don’t walk down the street each

Establishing an investment network for CoolTown developments: There’s no better way to present the kinds of communities, buildings and

Developing a community for their peers: Ben, Naomi and Josh knew their town of Oberlin, OH was lacking

Interview with a ‘CoolTown’ developer (part 2): Continuing yesterday’s interview with urban pioneer Larry Warshaw… How did you come

Interview with a ‘CoolTown’ developer: While true CoolTown/creative class real estate developers represent the next generation of

Developers target ‘creative’ class with infill projects: Austin is already one of the coolest cities in the country, so

Q: Can individuals invest in CoolTowns as well?: Here’s the exact question someone just posed, “Can I invest small amounts

$150 million equity network for CoolTown redevelopment projects: Got a cool project that needs capital? Need a project to invest

What would be an ideal equity fund for CoolTowns?: I get the feeling that there’d be a lot more CoolTowns built

Update on New Economy Town investment initiative: A few years ago I assisted in the founding of an investment

Investing in ‘Entrepreneur Villages: The Conflict: Visionary municipalities have an overriding interest in improving their quality
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