Health & Fitness Archive “Active Design” prioritizes health in designing cities: Because of its sheer density, it’s not surprising New York City is More + Walking health benefits – illustrated: In case any public or private institution asks just what’s so great More + Crowdsourcing a healthy town in the UK: How you set a healthy standard for an entire town? How about More + Healthy zoning’ as important as exercise?: In fact, according to a study covered in Time’s Why Exercise Won’t More + Study says city dwellers get more exercise: People who live in cities are healthier, say researchers from San Diego More + Burlington VT the healthiest city in the U.S.?: If self assessment of your own body, fitness, energy, and overall well-being More + The medical value of social interaction, social places: One way to understand the health benefits of community and human interaction More + The definitive report on the built environment’s impact on public health: How does the planning of neighborhoods and cities affect your health? Thanks More + Personal healthy living in an urban retreat: Many of us wish we could live our yoga. The founders of More + Back to the future for our own health’s sake: From the late 1800s to early 1900s our public health was largely More + If your city’s healthy for kids…: …it’s healthy for just about everyone else, and communities in Europe, Australia, More + Walkable buildings: Americans have been gaining weight an average of one pound a year. More + City living healthier than in the suburbs?: Yes, according to a report on public health as it relates to More + Finally! Health insurance for free agents!: It’s long been a frustration for individual entrepreneurs (aka free agents) who More + Cobblestone streets are good for you: We know cobblestone streets aren’t the best for driving on, but that More + Evidence shows walkable towns healthier: In a recent large-scale study* of 16 pairs of neighborhoods, one that More + Alternative nightlife: Dodgeball: There’s more to nightlife than restaurants and bars, and one of the More + City living holds back aging?: Yes, apparently by 4 to 12 years. News articles are reporting results More + 2000 steps to health?: That’s the magic number according to Dr. James Hill, keynote speaker at More + Recreation in the city: One of the drawbacks to living in the city is the lack More + Why are CoolTowners so fit?: They’re ‘intrinsic exercisers’ – that is, they exercise because that want to, More + Evidence piling up for health and CoolTowns: If anecdotal evidence isn’t enough for you (ever notice the weight difference More + Why do CoolTowns have so many good-looking people?: Because they’re fit! CoolTowns are designed for walking. A new study says More + Fast food = McMansions: McMansions refer to those cookie cutter neighborhoods of big homes that look More + The 12 Most Walkable Cities: I must admit the foot people really put in some extensive criteria More + Q&A: How do you build a CoolTown in an area considered rural?: Some people move to specific places because of a job they couldn’t More + Investing in a recreation entertainment town: Recreation: “Refreshment of one’s mind or body after work through activity that More + Recreation in the city (naturally): Many joggers would love to run through a scene like this every More + Exploring the city on wheels: Wheels on your feet that is. One of the most popular outdoor More + Recreation in a CoolTown: The best kind of entertainment, in my opinion, is the kind that More + 1 2