What is crowdsourced placemaking?’ video
It’s been over four years since I posted the What is crowdsourced placemaking?” page, so I thought it would be time to provide a fresh answer of the same question via a series of brief videos.
Here’s the first one, explaining what crowdsourced placemaking is via the first narrated Cooltown video ever! The focus is on the triple bottom line and how that is core to any crowdsourced placemaking effort. Why? Because this is all about being community driven, and nothing drives a community more than what benefits them economically, socially and environmentally. They’re not interested in only one bottom line. The fourth bottom line? That would be love, passion, as you will see in the video, and is probably the most important ingredient in crowdsourced placemaking.
Margaret Mead is famous for the quote, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Crowdsourced placemaking is what happens when that passion comes together as a shared vision of hundreds to eventually thousands, to bring to life a triple-bottom-line destination in their community. At the core lies a group of people who are the most motivated to live, work and play in a walkable, bikeable, local business oriented neighborhood and downtown, partnered with private and public sector leaders willing to leverage their collective investments to make it happen.
Stay tuned for more!