Most Fuel-Efficient Neighborhoods
In response to a time when commuters are looking at alternatives to spending hundreds more each month in gas, Forbes presents their America’s Most Fuel-Efficient Neighborhoods list.
Owning a home in a walkable neighborhood saves residents $300 to $400 a month, according to research by the Congress for the New Urbanism, compared to exurban neighborhoods where costs top out at $1000/month. The list below, with costs ranging from $600-$800/month assumes you still have an auto-oriented commute of some sort, because we all know the costs drop to a $100 if you’re taking mass transit or near zero if you’re walking, like yours truly.
Forbes’ list, with average monthly transportation cost:
1. Brooklyn Heights, NYC – $643
2. Koreatown, Los Angeles – $658
3. Logan Square, Chicago – $742
4. Arlington, VA, Washington DC metro – $747
5. The Mission, San Francisco – $746 (pictured)
6. Fishtown, Philadelphia PA – $674
7. Jamaica Plain, Boston – $728
8. Woodward Corridor, Detroit MI – $728
9. Greenville, Dallas TX – $745
10. Montrose, Houston TX – $760
Image source: Mission District, SF by Sutanto