At last, a site guide to this website’s categories!

Adams Morgan, Washington DC

1300+ entries later (all archived for free here or via the Archives link to the right), let me for the first time provide an update on what the Categories to the right mean:

Attainability: All things related to living and working affordably.
Beta Communities: These are the crowdsourcing teams that literally make places happen.
Community Building: What brings people together?
Cool Developers: Creative triple bottom line developers.
Cool Places: Accounts of cities and neighborhoods.
Creatives: All about the people that read this website and crowdsourcing great places.
Crowdsourcing: Defining the first word in the CoolTown tagline above.
Downtown Migration: Evidence of the urban shift.
Economic Gardening: Growing local businesses vs stealing companies from other cities
Entertainment & Arts: Events, happenings, venues that evoke creativity
Government Innovation: Progressive cities and their policies
Green Development: Ecological cities, neighborhoods and buildings
Heath & Fitness: The increasingly fundamental draw for people to cool places
Housing & Lofts: If it’s about inspiring buildings and rooms to live in, it’s here
Investment: The financial world supporting creative cities
Invisible Technology: Technology is that much more welcome when it’s seamless or unseen
Market Development: The trends pointing to more creative cities
Mass Customization: The business system allowing individuality, choice and uniqueness
Media & Resources: Whatever doesn’t fit in the other categories, like this entry
Mixed-Use Developments: Cool buildings
Mobility: Related to transportation, but mobility implies people and walking too
PlaceMaking: The design of places – soon to have ‘Pedestrian-Only‘ break out of this
Public Safety: What makes a place feel safe
Reader Experiences: My favorite – please send in your profiles of inspiring places you’ve been to
Retail Entertainment Districts: Innovative main streets and commercial districts
Retail Venue Development: Great examples of compelling shops and restaurants
Third Places: That hangout away from home and work
University Towns: Urban villages spawned from higher education
Workplaces: Workplaces that make you want to work there instead
Youth & Education: Because each succeeding generation wants it better

Image source: Adams Morgan panography compiled by Mike McCaffrey.