Cultural Quarters: Necessary Conditions and Success Factors checklist

South Bank, London

Continuing our understanding of natural cultural districts, here’s Urban Cultures’ (profiled previously) Necessary Conditions and Success Factors checklist for what makes a vibrant cultural quarter:

- Extent and variety of cultural venues
- Presence of an evening economy, including café culture
- Strength of small-firm economy, including creative businesses
- Access to universities and education providers
- Presence of festivals and events
- Availability of workspaces for artists and low-cost cultural producers
- Small-firm economic development in the cultural sectors
- Managed workspaces for office and studio users
- Location of arts development agencies and companies
- Arts and media training and education
- Complementary day-time and evening uses

Built Form
- Fine grain urban morphology
- Variety and adaptability of building stock
- Permeability of streetscape (as opposed to large blocks that limit change of direction)
- Legibility (effective lighting and signage to orient the pedestrian)
- Amount and quality of public space
- Active street frontages
- People attractors (ongoing events and places to host them)

- Important meeting and gathering spaces
- Sense of history and progress
- Area identity and imagery (do you know where in the world you are?)
- Knowledgeability (inspired, creative discussions)
- Environmental signifiers (strong presence of nature)

Image: South Bank, London