Apartment Therapy’s Fall Colors 2007 winner

Loft in Chinatown, Los Angeles

If you’re looking for color inspiration when it comes to home interior design, it’ll be tough to find a better source than the annual Apartment Therapy Fall Colors 2007 contest. Apartment Therapy itself is one of the best daily resources for apartment design.

This year’s winner hails from a couple in Chinatown, Los Angeles. See a full range of rather stellar photos here. From the home owners, “We have never seen white as the starting point to develop a color scheme…in our apartment, which is in Chinatown, blood red is the starting point and the palette moves on from there. The apartment is all about fun. Every decision we made about color was made with the goal of creating a joyful, playful place to be for kids and grown-ups alike.”

If you don’t think color has much of an impact, read some of the feedback

“God, I love this space so much I want to marry it!”
“Holy Crap! What a great space.”
“Wow! This is the most beautiful red room I have ever seen!”
“This is by FAR my favorite space. The color is amazing…”

Check out the runners-up here, and the profile of the 2006 winners “here.

Color is probably one of the most underestimated yet cost effective means of creating attractive places – you can learn more on how to get color assistance here.