“If you were to rebuild your city from scratch…”

First We Kill The Architects

A sampling of the emerging consciousness for better cities…

So what are progressive, creative people saying about cities these days? Well, the only thing better than asking the regulars at a local, independent coffeehouse, is to ask the regulars at local, independent coffeehouses in 40 countries around the world.

That’s just what the folks at likemind, a rhythmic gathering of likeminded individuals sharing coffee and stories every third Friday morning at local third places did on October 19, 2007. The question they posed that morning for people to answer:

“If you were to rebuild your city from scratch, how would you build it differently and what would you keep the same?”

Here’s the conclusion:

- Create The Right Mix To Create The Right Neighborhoods
- Waterways as Transport Alternatives
- Bury The Car
- Green Space, More Urban Farms
- Build Up Not Out
- Slow Down, Ride A Bike, Take A Walk
- Where’s My Transport System?

Likemind summaries by city can be found here.

Pictured is one New Yorker’s graphic (in more ways than one) answer that the likemind crowd provided as a model answer. Larger, readable version here.