Pittsburgh’s Cool Space Awards 2007

Cool Space Awards 2007, Pittsburgh

If you’re looking for a cool workplace you need a service like Pittsburgh Cool Space Locator, which finds office space for companies in the ‘coolest’ neighborhoods, as they say. If you’re seeking meaningful examples of cool workplaces, check out their annual Cool Space Awards (winners pictured), where you can get full profiles of the projects outlined below:

Blacksmith Studio – Painstaking historic physical/cultural restoration (third right).
The Union Project – Cafe, studio and artist living spaces in a restored church.

Schell Games – Movable seating, flexible work styles (top left image)
ThoughtForm – Adding color (and umbrellas) to promote creativity (top right).

4933 Penn Avenue / Imagebox Productions – Renovated abandoned building to attract the arts (lower left).
The Ice House Artist Studios – 15 years of vacancy now provides attainable artist housing.

Mayor John Fetterman helps the Community of Braddock establish a creative district.
Metanoia Development invests in the Community of Bellevue with inspired restaurants, cafes, office space and residences (second right).

The Kingsley Association – Community center for working class families (bottom right).
Uncommon Grounds – Volunteer-built center for at-risk individuals (second left).