Louisville’s beta community vision for downtown

South Fourth Street, Louisville, KY

What to do when no one seems to be providing a bold vision for downtown Louisville, Kentucky?

Last fall a core of creatives in Louisville established a beta community and set forth on that very mission. The above image is the result of that local beta community to date, from a group of future patrons, tenants, developers, building owners and city officials, presented as the South Fourth Street Entertainment District. Five of the buildings are owned by beta community participants who are committed to investing in the group’s collective vision.

The focus is on local, independent retail and loft housing, though there’s a an auction for two of the retail spaces tomorrow – better check their website for more details if you’re interested, or if you want to be part of the local beta community that’s continuing to work with the building owners and developers to co-design and co-develop the kinds of businesses and housing/lofts you want, and more importantly, can afford.

  • yatata

    Hi Neil, I apologize for being off-topic but in case you haven’t heard, there is an international demonstration happening tomorrow against global climate change in lew of the new UN report coming out in paris.

    The Alliance for the Planet [a group of environmental associations] is calling on all citizens to create 5 minutes of electrical rest for the planet.

    1ST OF FEBRUARY 2007 People all over the world will turn off their lights and electrical appliances for 5 minutes.

    East Coast North America: 1:55pm
    West Coast: 10:55am
    London: 18:55
    Paris, Brussels, Italy: 19:55

    if you don’t know your time zone go here: http://www.timezoneconverter.com

    This is not just about saving 5 minutes worth of electricity; this is about getting the attention of the media, politicians, and ourselves.

    Five minutes of electrical down time for the planet: this does not take
    long, and costs nothing, and will show all political leaders that global
    warming is an issue that needs to come first and foremost in political

    for more information go to http://www.lalliance.fr

    please pass this message on to others!

    thanks, keep up the excellent work!