Does your city ever emanate the ‘innovation overload’ buzz?

Innovation Overload

It’s like jumping into a hot spring in the winter – not something you experience everyday, but when you do, how incredibly invigorating.

If it wants to grow economically, culturally and intelligently, some of its residents should at least know what it feels like. Innovation overload is defined by the folks at Trendwatching as the “clever entrepreneurs, inventors, and marketers from all over who are coming up with so many innovative ideas, that even innovation blogs have a hard time keeping track…” such as their sister site, Springwise, what is to products/services as this site is to places.

Take a look at Springwise and ask yourself, do you see these kinds of innovations happening in my city? Are people having conversations about these topics, like sexy supermarkets and office supplies, artist-painted rental cars, indian food to go or Second Life? Just as important, do you experience this innovation buzz in an innovation district or neighborhood where creatives like to hang out, like say The Mission in San Francisco, East Village in Manhattan, or even the future Innovista in Columbia, SC, whose name means just that? How about a single venue for starters, like Busboys and Poets?

If so, we’d all like to hear your story! If not, then it’s time to establish your own beta community and write your own!