A community center for arts groups
As profiled this week, there are workplace-community centers for creatives and high-tech entrepreneurs, but what about arts groups?
That’s why Flashpoint (a fitting name) in Washington DC was created.
Like C3 and ATI, Flashpoint was created as a physical place and implementation of a larger organization’s vision, in this case, DC’s Cultural Development Corporation (CuDC), a nonprofit dedicated to developing affordable spaces for artists and cultural organizations. With a contemporary art gallery, 75-seat theatre lab, dance studio, office space for seven one-year-term cultural organizations, and conference room, Flashpoint does just that in the heart of Washington DC.
However, economic development entities take note – to have the kind of expansive community gathering space and full slate of events that C3 has – the very amenities that the greater creative/artist/entrepreneur community long for – it would be advantageous to take a page out of the artist handbook and locate in a fringe neighborhood where the cost of space doesn’t end up costing you those very amenities.