Creative events for a creative venue

Creative Change Center C3, Richmond, Virginia VA

What good is a great theater or hall without events worth going to? In the last of our three-part profile of C3 in Richmond, here’s a look at what goes on in one of the coolest destinations around.

Breakfast Club – Each month this morning meeting helps provide direction on how business and human resource leaders can instill more creativity in their own people. Recent topics ranged from how creativity can assist problem solving to communications.

C3 Ed – These educational sessions feature industry experts that teach their hard-earned tricks of the trade a couple of times a month. Upcoming topics range from making it as a musician to marketing on a shoestring budget.

Interchange – In the spirit of fire-side chats and roundtables comes this monthly after-hours discussion on designated topics. Think of it as a support group for the creative community. Upcoming topics include the state of the music industry (kind of a music theme this month) and how to become a better writer.

House Party – Essentially a happy hour and party a couple of times a year with sponsored food, cash bar and live music. Hard to think of a better way to network among fellow creatives.