What’s the neighborhood downtown version of the TV guide?
For the MidCity, Washington DC neighborhoods, it’s www.midcitylive.com, an updated version of the initial version I introduced half a year ago.
What is it? We all have our TV guide for what entertainment is on TV each night, but what about what’s happening that night in your neighborhood downtown? You know, the real world? That’s what CoolTown Studios helped design, develop and manage for the 200 businesses that make up Washington DC’s largely independent-business neighborhood commercial district. It lists the happy hours, live bands, DJs that are going on each night, even dance classes, cooking demonstrations and poetry readings.
This is the third phase of what CoolTown Studios does. The first being to link funding to develop/revitalize next gen buildings and neighborhoods, the second being to establish a beta community to enable the future tenants to help design/develop their own future community, and the last being to continue building the community via both its businesses and residents. Check out the third Thursday on the www.midcitylive.com calendar for an example.
Contact us (right column) if this is something your downtown needs.