Time to get on the green building bandwagon

The Northwest is already considered the Silicon Valley of green building, and industry experts say 100% of all new Class A office buildings will be -->green building certified (LEED) --> within ten years.
So, unless you want your city or development firm to be branded as ‘uncool’, it’s time to realize the short and long term benefits of green building now to gain a competitive edge. Why? Because green building is on the priority list of trend-setters – the people who create jobs, breathe life into downtowns, and set new benchmarks for quality of life.
That means getting your design and development talent green building accredited, like YGH Architecture in Portland, where 60% of their administrative staff and 90% of its designers (24 employees in all) are LEED certified.
Now if only these green building industry members would apply their talent to cooltown buildings…
Image: PA Dept. of Environmental Protection SE Regional Office