Goodbye to the corporate cubicle

Herman Miller office, Washington DC

Since we can’t all be entrepreneurs and artists, many of us need to work for corporations and government. But when going to work in a cool town, don’t expect to waste away in a cubicle prison.

Check out this demonstration workplace in Washington DC put together by Herman Miller. Corporate-style office, yes, but no cubicles. Notice that none of the private offices are along the main window wall – that means great views and more importantly, natural daylighting for all. It’s also a green building feature that saves significant energy dollars, as presented yesterday.

Note that almost no two work areas are alike… just like… people. There are workplaces for individuals, teams of two, teams of more than two, collaborative groups, informal meetings, formal meetings and presentations – even tables to just sit and talk like in coffeehouses – especially since 70% of what we learn about our jobs comes from such casual, spontaneous interactions.

What would be your ideal workplace environment? Speak your mind below…