Intown Living: A Different American Dream

Intown Living: A Different American Dream by Amy Breen and Dick Rigby

is one of the latest books focused on the urban migration.

While many boomers writing on the subject attribute the move back to cities to the baby boomer/empty nester generation, the boomerish authors conclude that it’s young people, and by a predominant margin (backed by Census data). The median age of the people in the ‘intowns’ covered in the book is generally around 30.

Most of the book consists of case studies on these intown districts, which are: Midtown and Downtown Atlanta; Uptown and Downtown Dallas; Downtown and Midtown Houston; Downtown and South Main in Memphis; Mill Quarter and North Riverfront, Minneapolis; the Warehouse Area Business Association district in New Orleans; Pearl District Portland, Oregon, and North False Creek and Coal Harbour, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

A particular rising star is Minneapolis, which now has 26,000 downtown residents, and is a particular favorite of Creative Class author Richard Florida.

The authors, Amy Breen and Dick Rigby, run a nonprofit, The Waterfront Center, committed to creating great public waterfronts.

Are you familiar with any of these intown districts? Speak your mind below…

  • American Dream Town Team

    American Dream Town USA 2006

    America is NOW getting ready for the American Dream Town 2006 award competition, inspiring us to celebrate small town’s heritage, take pride in our neighborhoods, and to invite tourism. Many of the towns will be nominated by their town’s people, chambers, the mayors, supervisors, or visitor bureaus. There is one thing they all have in common, American small town pride.

    Nominations are NOW accepted or latest until October 1st 2005. The polls will open for VOTE on October 15th 2005. Many spots will soon be filled. First town comes, first town serve! The states which didn’t receive three nominations will be filled by our advisory board.

    There are NO dues of fees for the towns that are nominated! The annual, national competition is sponsored by Seven Stars & Stripes Inc. The nominator may remain anonymous. All submissions are screened and have to be approved by the Advisory Board. The town with the most votes overall will be featured on the American Dream Show at , worldwide, and on Hamptons TV WVVH.