Pittsburgh’s third places
It’s tough to have a sense of community without third places, as this inspiring article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette attests to, ‘Third places’ are No. 1 in the hearts of patrons.
Here are links to the mentioned third places, followed by what matters most – the opinions of its patrons.
Monterey Pub (top image)
Affogato (middle image)
Coffee Tree (lower image)
La Prima
Article quotes from the patrons:
“It fills a social void.”
“I get all my information here.”
“After 15 days on the road, no way I want to go home. I want to see who’s here.”
“It’s like a magnet. You want this group to be part of your life, so you change your schedule if you have to so you can be here.”
“We talk about everything.”
“It’s the neighborhood’s living room.”
“This is almost a place to go home to.”
“Whenever I walk through the door, I feel a quiet elation. Here tonight, I feel my well of enthusiasm being refilled.”
Article quotes from the third place owners:
“I knew I wanted to provide ambience and allow people to sit around and be social.”
“I knew it would be a neighborhood bar, but the neighbors bring a lot of outside people here. That’s how a circle of friends grows.
Know of any third places that should be profile here? Speak your mind below…