What urban type are you?

Get Urban! The Complete Guide to City Living by Kyle Ezell

Here’s an abridged quiz to ‘discover your true urban style’, found on the back cover of a highly acclaimed book on downtown life: by Kyle Ezell, who’s also a speaker (I hope you appreciate the spontaneous plug Kyle).

If you have Post-Industrial style, you…
- Find beauty in hard-core, edgy urban environments.
- Are drawn to basic building materials such as steel, glass and concrete.
- Insist on stunning downtown skyline views.

If you have Garden style, you…
- Enjoy small backyards where birds sing and butterflies dance.
- Regard front porches full of hanging baskets as highly desirable.
- Have historic home revitalization on your list of “must dos.”

If you have Eclectic style, you…
- Are highly expressive, open to new ideas, and want to be stimulated as you step out the front door.
- Insist upon cultural, social, and architectural diversity in your surroundings.
- Consider yourself, your friends, and your philosophies as highly creative.

If you have Blank Canvas style, you…
- Are intrigued when analyzing “before and after” building photos.
- Do not consider an empty structure to be empty, just another possibility.
- Consider yourself a hard-core “urban activist.”

What type are you? Or are you ‘unclassified’? Speak your mind below…

  • http://roblimo.com Robin ‘Roblimo’ Miller

    I am a “Garden Style” person. I work in a home office with large windows on three sides, next to a pond and waterfall, with a deck next to the pond and another “treehouse deck” above my office that’s a perfect place to watch Florida’s elegant sunsets.

    My wife and I chose to live in Bradenton, Florida, in large part because the city governmnent here encourages home-based, arts-oriented businesses instead of catering primarily to condomites and their view-blocking monstrosities, as is all too common in this state.

    - Robin Miller
    Village of the Arts,
    Bradenton, Florida