Since when is grocery shopping entertaining?

Whole Foods, Logan Circle, Washington DC

…since the service economy began evolving into the experience economy, and as a result, retail and entertainment began merging.

Whole Foods is the national trendsetter when it comes to groceries. Yes it’s a chain, but as the Apple Computer of the grocery industry, it continues to set new standards in creativity, as well as environmental stewardship. personal health, and now enterainment and fun. Here are some of their multi-experience features that any-sized venue can be inspired by at varying levels of affordability:

- In-store cafe-style seating for socializing or relaxing for lunch
- Experience meals that are cooked and desserts prepared right in front of you – watch pizzas get tossed and fresh fish smoked or fried.
- Get a massage in the health products section.
- Enjoy a handmade salad in the produce area with a glass of wine.
- With WiFi internet access, you can work while at the supermarket. Now that’s a first.