Car sharing – anywhere you want it
The conflict – car sharing isn’t available in every city, much less every neighborhood, much less on your block, even though the demand is there.
The solution – Zipcar is offering its Dedicated Zipcar program where an apartment management company, real estate developer, university or company could have brand new Zipcars on-site for its people. The cars, reservations, payment, membership and customer service are handled by Zipcar – while the client makes up (or even profits from) the difference with a two car, three year, $1650/mo./car commitment.
If you’ve ever rented a Zipcar, you’ll understand the huge amount of investment involved in making car sharing painless and fun – you can rent a Volvo S40, Mini, Honda Element or Ford Escape for $7/hr. with a just a web reservation and a credit card sized reader, without paying for gas or insurance.
Go here for a personal review of the Zipcar experience.