Phase II: Michigan State’s Cool Cities Initiative
June 2, 2004: Governor Jennifer Granholm announces Cool City pilot projects
Based on input from her local Cool City advisory groups, Governor Granholm’s initiative has identified 20 pilot projects to receive $100,000 grants to create places that attract the creative class, including access to over $100 million in a “Resource Toolbox” of 75 state community improvement grants, loan programs, and assistance programs. The state Cool Cities web site was also launched.
Here are three of my favorite pilot project winners:
Detroit – The Jefferson East Business Association proposes to redevelop three dilapidated buildings into Entertainment and Technology Incubators. They will contain 28 residential loft apartments, a TV production studio, and a number of retail and food service establishments.
Grand Rapids – The Avenue for the Arts Project includes the historic renovation of seven buildings, streetscape improvements along with the creation of public art, murals, and the development of 35 loft apartments.
Jackson – The Jackson Armory Arts Project will include the redevelopment of an abandoned industrial site into a center for the arts and culture, including 39 affordable loft apartments.
Click here for a listing of all.