In the news: Young minds flock to Denver

Lodo, downtown Denver, CO

Great young minds think alike: Educated 20-, 30-somethings flock to city (Denver Post)
By David Olinger, November 12, 2003

According to a U.S. Census Bureau report released last week, Denver’s one of the top ‘brain-gain’ cities in the country, ranking sixth in net migration of single college graduates during the late 1990s. Portland, OR, Atlanta and Charlotte, NC were winners as well, the industrial age-dependent Rust Belt and New England cities – not, namely Philadelphia, Cleveland and Detroit.

For a slightly more in-depth look at why Denver’s so cool – check it out here.

The list of leading brain-gainers (college-educated 25-39 years old):

1. Naples, Fla.
2. Las Vegas
3. Charlotte, N.C.
4. Atlanta
5. Portland, Ore.
6. Denver
7. Phoenix
8. Dallas
9. Boise City, Idaho
10. Portland, Maine
11. San Francisco
12. Seattle
13. Kansas City, Mo.
14. Orlando, Fla.
15. Myrtle Beach, S.C.
16. Fort Myers, Fla.
17. Salinas, Calif.
18. West Palm Beach, Fla.
19. Nashville, Tenn.
20. Fort Walton Beach, Fla.