“Secede from Starbucks Nation”
Would you believe that’s a city campaign slogan? Excelsior, Minnesota.
“We’re just against the proliferation of sameness,” said Linda Murrell, the city’s Chamber of Commerce director. Not surprisingly, the first ads were geared to a younger audience. Also, downtown Excelsior activity is reported to have increased noticeably as several entrepreneurs are now interested in locating there.
Sure, you say, but Excelsior is a town of only 3000 people. Read on…
Buoyed by strong resident support, San Francisco Board of Supervisors President Matt Gonzalez has proposed “tripwire” legislation that would require notification of residents living within 150 feet of any proposed new “formula” business at least a month before a building permit could be issued. Starbucks was specifically singled out.
I’ve personally lived in San Francisco – I can see this happening… residents burned down a Burger King after it moved in over their opposition.
As for my current neighborhood, Starbucks only moved in for the first time a couple of months ago, but that was only after numerous independent businesses failed at the cursed spot on 18th and Columbia in Adams Morgan, DC. Local merchants had their chance. Still, Starbucks shouldn’t charge $6/hr. for wireless internet that the nearby (and much cooler and more popular) Tryst offers for free (and it just about costs them that much as well).
Put it this way, how uncool would it be if the cast of Friends met up at Starbucks instead of the Central Perk? (image above)